
So far I've been catching up on the accumulations of the "deep freeze" period of the past year.

IV. ORDER CARDS: Thanks to those of you now making a practice of using the order cards sent with each. shipment I wish the rest of you would start to do so as it makes the keeping of the records much easier

V. PERSONAL CORRESPONDENCE: I continue to be swamp ed with the problems of trying to get caught up and reorganized which makes it almost impossible to find the time to write much even to those that I would like to particularly keep in personal touch with Please do not take it as a sign of lack of personal interest that I do not reply or do so in a very short note. I love to read what you send me and only re-· gret that I cannot reply in kind but it is just not possible and I don't want anyone's feelings to be hurt. At the same time when you write in with a problem that does recuire an answer please return the little note when you write the second time is impossible to remember the state of any one in- dividual's questions or correspondence and when you write back in response to a question without return- ing the little blue or yellow femmeno te I'm just as much in the dark as I was the first time and I can't serve you very well that way.


VI. WIVES BOOK: This is temporarily out of print and is in the process of being revised and enlarged with the help of several of our wonderful wives. It will be reprinted later this summer. It will also contain letters and comments on the subject of telling child- ren and their reactions. If any of you have crossed that bridge and would be willing to put down the whole story on paper for this book I'd be pleased.

VII. NEW COVER IDEA: There will be issues like #40 which will not have cover girl pictures on them. If any of you have some good ideas for a front cover lay- out--drawings illustrations or what not I'd be very pleased to receive them, I need such a cover reserve, VIRGINIA